16 December 2011

how much do you realize?

“If you are, you breath. If you breath, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. And if you find… you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. And if you know, you want to know more. And if you want to know more, you are… ALIVE!”
(National Geographic)

Akhir-akhir ini saya semakin paham makna sebuah pepatah, "Seperti padi, makin berisi makin merunduk". Berpikir, membaca dan menulis membuat saya merasa betapa semakin sedikit ilmu yang saya punya. Ga salah kalau Michel Legrand komponis berkebangsaan Perancis itu pernah dengan getir berkata "The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.."

Kawan, hari ini berapa banyak buku yang Anda baca? Berapa banyak kata yang Anda tulis?